
 We run a number of courses each year which anyone is welcome to join in with. If you’d like to know more or find out when the next ones are happening please do get in touch with the Church office.  

The Alpha Course

The Alpha course is a series of sessions where you can explore the Christian faith in an open-minded and welcoming environment over a meal. There is no cost and no pressure. Just lots of great conversation and space to think. Whatever thoughts and questions you’ve got, you can share and ask them at Alpha.

The Pre-Marriage Course

This free five-session course is designed for couples who are engaged or considering marriage. The course is run over a meal and involves watching a short video followed by time to talk as couples. The sessions explore the topics of: communication, conflict, commitment, connection and adventure, with lots of practical exercises to get you thinking. There is no group work involved and all discussion is done between you and your partner - it’s simply a great space to chat through some key topics as you consider or prepare for marriage.

The Marriage Course

Over weekly candlelit dinners for two, this seven-session course gives couples the opportunity to spend time investing in building a strong marriage whether you’ve been married for 2 months or 60 years! The course is delivered via videos which seek to offer practical insight and spark conversation around key topics such as communication, conflict, forgiveness and family. With no group work required and lots of time to chat together as a couple, the Marriage Course is a fun way to intentionally focus on your marriage.

The Parenting For Faith Course

The Parenting for Faith Course is an 8-week video course designed to help parents discover that they are perfectly positioned to show their children the reality of a life with God and to empower them to have their own vibrant two-way relationship with him. Whether your children are tiny babies, adults with their own children, or somewhere in between, the key tools and principles behind this course are useful to all as you seek to model and share faith with your family.