Your support of God’s work through St Peter's and St Mark's is what makes things happen, and sacrificial giving makes up 85% of our Income. If you’d like to give regularly or make a one-off donation to support the life of the church please see below for details.
Give by Standing Order
The most effective way to give regularly to the church is by setting up a Standing Order which you can do through online banking or by contacting your bank. Please also download and fill out the form below to let us know you are giving regularly and, if you are a tax payer, to make a Gift Aid declaration.
Give Online
If you’d like to make a one-off donation by bank transfer you can do so using the details below. Please include your name when you make a transfer and email your names and donation amount to the Treasurer to let us know about your donation and enable us, where applicable, to claim gift aid. If you’d prefer to donate by card you can do so using the giving link below.
Bank Details
Account Name: St Peter’s Furze Church Platt PCC
Bank: Santander
Account number: 09738306
Sort Code: 09-01-51
Questions about Giving
If you have any questions about giving to St Peter's and St Mark's, or to let us know about changes to your giving, please email accounts@stpetersmaidenhead.org.uk
St Peter's and St Mark's is a registered charity no. 1128896.